
Birds on Bird, Macarthur Park, Los Angeles, CA, 2009.

Untitled, Macarthur Park, Los Angeles, CA, 2008

Slow Death of a Park Bench by a Tree, Puebla, MX, 2001

Slow Death of a Park Sign by a Tree, Macarthur Park, Los Angeles, 2007

Supertrapp: Becaus Accidents Happen, 2008, 14.6" x 21". Photo credit, Gary Leonard.
This digital print was exhibited at the Trademark exhibit at Galería 13 in Mexico City. It represents an extreme case of the inability to escape branding and publicity in modern society. One day when i was getting off of my bicycle, I fell into the blazing-hot exhaust pipe (Supertrapp brand) of a recently parked motorcycle. On my arm, I suffered a third degree burn with a portion (lower right) of the Supertrapp logo branded into it.

After the Carnival I & II, Tulum, MX, 2008

Untitled, Macarthur Park, Los Angeles, CA, 2008

Goodbye 6, Culver City, Los Angeles, CA, 2008

Untitled, Hollywood, CA, 2008

Hollywood Beautification Team, Hollywood, CA, 2008

45º, Macarthur Park, Los Angeles, CA, 2008

Untitled, Hollywood, CA, 2008

Blobs, San Juan Capistrano Mission, California, 2008

Untitled, Macarthur Park, Los Angeles, CA, 2008

Gordon Matta Clark Table, Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA, 2008

Arrangement 1, Macarthur Park, Los Angeles, CA, 2007

Bench with Digestive System, Real de Catorce, MX, 2002

Window, Real de Catorce, MX, 2002
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