In 2002, Renato Ornelas and I created this series of simple, physical games to play while waiting for the computer to render a video. Incidentally, the stick and tape rolls were objects we had used in the production of the video. The games were later presented at La Panadera, artist-run space, and at Vive Latino Music Festival, both in Mexico City.

Cada jugador sostiene un palo y tratan de aventar el rollo de cinta de uno a otro.
Los jugadores trataran de cachar la cinta con el palo.
One player tosses the tape with the stick and the other player tries to catch it with
their stick.

Usando ambas manos cada jugador sostiene el palo tras su cabeza. El rollo se pone en el palo de un jugador y este tratará de pasarlo al otro jugador.
Using both hands, each player holds their stick behind their head. One player puts tape roll on their stick and tries to pass it to the other player.

Cricket or Hockey

Cada jugador sostiene su palo frente a ellos. La cinta se acomoda entre los palos, ejerciendo la presion suficiente para crear equilibrio por el mayor tiempo posible.
Both players holds their stick in front of them with the roll of tape between the two sticks and balance the tape by pushing forward for as long as possible

Para un sólo jugador. El jugador tratará de aventar el rollo hacia arriba, por debajo de su pierna e intentará volver a cachar el rollo con el mismo palo.
For one player only. The player tries to toss the roll of tape with their stick under the leg and up and then tries to catch it.

Se utiliza la cinta para adherir el palo al pie de los jugadores. El juego comienza con el rollo dentro del palo y se patéa tratando de pasarlo al otro jugador.
Both players use the tape to attach the stick to the bottom of one foot. The game begins with the tape roll on one player's stick who then tries to toss it to land on around the other player's stick.

Se necesitan 2 rollos de cinta. Se utiliza la cinta para crear 2 lineas paralelas a aproximadamente 3 metros de distancia. El espacio intermedio se divide en 8 secciones, o las que los jugadores decidan, los jugadores toman posiciones uno frente al otro. Cada cinta se acomoda atras de la linea que marca el comienzo de la cancha y se patea la cinta hasta hacerla llegar al lado opuesto, cuidando de aterrizarla exactamente en la linea divisoria del adversario en la menor cantidad de golpes posibles. Se avanza pasando las piernas entre el palo y ambas manos. Si se pasa de la linea o no se llega a ella el jugador comienza desde el principio. Al final del juego los jugadores deben besarse.
This game requires two rolls of tape. Use tape to mark two parallel one foot lines about ten feet apart. Divide the space using eight six-inch tapelines. Place roll of tape outside of the first line. Players stand at opposite ends of the parallel lines. One player walks over their stick and kicks the tape roll, trying to move it perpendicular with the next line. the roll must not move past the line. If it does, the player must start again and it is the other player's turn. The players may kick as many times as they like between tape lines. Every time the player passes a line, they must walk over their stick. When player lands at the last line of tape they must kiss the other player.
These are some of the graphics i created to illustrate the games. They were printed on vinyl, Approximately 3' x 5'.

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