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Epic Thriller

I made this illustration for a phenakistiscope (old optical toy), titled Epic Thriller. The drawing features five illustrations of Michael Jackson's face with five illustrations in between to morph the faces together in a spiral formation inspired by a phenakistiscope from the late 1800s.

restauraunt guide

Illustrations created for the ah-peh-Jee-doh (last name) exhibit at The Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock. These crests depict the story of a relative and his fiancee who changed their last names from Tijerina and Sumner to Star.

Illustrations created for Revista Replicante, Magazine of Letters from Mexico.

"Pussy Riot Twilight" illustration based on incarceration of Pussy Riot group with faces of Russian prison guards altered to resemble faces from "Eye of the Beholder" Twilight zone episode.


Illustration created for the invitation of an exhibit in Galería Garash, Mexico City

back page extra illustration

no h's allowed

Some old pen & ink illustrations of mine. The first two were published in The Austin Chronicle's Back Page Extra section.


I illustrated this space tunnel, based on the tunnels in the film 2010 for an animation created for Centenario Tequila's annual party in Mexico City. Check my demo reel to see it in motion.


Illustrations created for the Connections Card newsletter, London, England.

bent festival illustration

Illustrations created for the 2008 Bent Festival, an annual art and music festival celebrating DIY electronics, hardware hacking, and circuit bending.

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